Thursday, January 5, 2012

trying to do January's Dare starting today

I like this idea by Ann Voskamp who wrote, One Thousand Gifts. If you go to this link: She has a printout for the month of January to aid in giving thanks. If you give thanks for 3 things a day you will meet the goal of giving thanks for about 1,000 things for the year of 2012. This is a real help in developing joy!  Today is 1. giving thanks for something you are reading:
I am thankful for this book on the Church Fathers that I have started reading. It helps to see what the early Fathers believed and it is an aid and confirmation of my faith.
Secondly 2. something I am making--a cup of Tazo tea--it is strong and bold and hot and is helping my sore throat. Thirdly 3. Something I am seeing--and that is her blog :

I want to try to do the dare of counting 1,000 gifts in 2012: Discovering joy as stated here:
Join in as she has several give aways too to aid you!

I have to play catch up so for Jan 1 it was 3 things about yourself you are grateful for: I have basic health today, I have the ability to read, I am growing in my faith.
January 2: a gift outside--beautiful birds at my feeder
a gift inside--warm heat, a gift on a plate--gluten free bread
January 3 --3 lines you overheard that were graces--God's conversion of Paul, Peter's talk with Jesus after Peter had denied him, a person weeping and another giving comfort.
Jan4 --one gift old, new and blue--old--a lent book, new --a new book ;-), blue another new book (YEAH, I like books!)


  1. Oh I like this idea. Thank you for sharing it. I hope I will dive right in just like you did.

  2. Hi, I decided why I was here just to check out from the start. I too love books! Was so bummed when Borders went out of business. Hubby and I do "dates" every couple of weeks. Books, tea, sometimes quiche for dinner. As we say, "so many books, magazine, so little time". Love to talk to another book lover. Blessings
