Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The way to live each day

This is what my grand daughter Rhi inspires in me. This is how we should live our lives.

Check out the blog of the author of the book:http://www.aholyexperience.com/ and the book is: One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are and is only 4.99 on Kindle


  1. Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you so much!


  2. Very nice (o:
    I would like to have a new tiny baby to hold. My youngest Grand just turned 4.

  3. Hey Kim, I enjoy getting to keep up with you through your blog...can't recall how I found you. Its nice to see we share some of the same interests. I found Ann's blog almost 2 years ago. I have never liked or understood much poetry (I struggle with Psalms even)and her blog much of the time reads like freestyle poetry. But it makes me 'get' why so many people love poetry. It encourages, and chastises, and makes me dream. Fantastic blog. I ran out and got the book the week it came out. I'm glad you are enjoying it as well. I've never been much of a journaler so I'm sporadic with my gift entries, but I am more aware of the blessings that constantly surround me. Keep on blogging.

  4. Hi Raylene thanks for your comment. I clicked on your name , but it wouldn't let me access your profile so I couldn't find your blog, if you have one. You may not read this either!! ah well.
