Friday, February 1, 2008

Simply simply simply simply

It is show and tell friday--at Kelli's A blogger told about this book called, Living Simply. I received it yesterday in the mail. It is written from a Christian perspective and I can tell I am going to enjoy it. Thoreau says, "Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify simplify." This is one thing I really want to do! I am hoping this book will give me some ideas on this. Whenever my hubby has returned from a trip to a third world country it is always on our minds--they live simply and have time to enjoy their family and neighbors. Even the Italians (who are not a third world country) have time to hang out with friends and family in the evening in their town square areas (yes, they don't call them town squares!! I forget the name!!!)Here are a few quotes from the book: "Living simply does not mean feeling like my life is too crowded, my house is too cluttered, and that I rarely get to spend time with my friends.....When I think of a siimple life, I think of a life that is less compicated, roomier, filled with the meaningful rather than the urgent. I think of a life centered around people rather than things. I think of a life that's focused rather than scattered, grounded and stable rather than pulled in too many different directions at once. I think of knowing what God wants me to do---being sure of it---and doing it."
So of course I had to show a little clutter--my pooh guys , I love--in the simple life I have to have things around that make me smile!! So there they sit--


  1. Sounds like a neat book

  2. I'm with you, Kim. That was my mantra last January and I did good until the Holidays rolled around again and then life just gets too full. So, I am back on track. Think I'll put that book on my wish list....I know I will need reinforcement :-)

  3. What a wonderful show & tell, and much to thnk about. I too have been contemplating how to SIMPLIFY my life. Thanks for the book recommendation.

  4. I think I'd love this book and yes simple is best! HUgs NG xo

  5. nannykim, I like the idea of simplifying one's life, but I find it difficult! I keep trying though. Thanks for sharing your thoughs and your photos. :)

  6. I love it. It's a magical show n tell this week! Just super.

    I always have told my kids to not be for 'want' of anything and you'll never be disappointed...keep things simple.

  7. I'm sure there is lots of wisdom in simplifying our lives. Goes along with living a quiet life. Looks like a great book and the room you show looks very comfortable to be in...

  8. I would like to check that book out!

  9. From the photo I can tell your house is charming! I like your pooh friends, it just shows that your a gentle/kind soul. I don't consider that at all "cluttered" I consider that CUTE lol.

  10. This book sounds great. On the top of my blog I have the quote, "If you keep things simple they'll stay pure." Lots of truth in that and I try to live by it......except for my "reasurer's"!!! that I show every week here on Show & Tell!!!!

  11. Sounds like a great read! I have those Pooh guys too! THey were a gift/decoration from my baby shower for my daughter. The innoncence and simplicity in the Pooh stories always make me smile.

  12. You are so right. I am simplifying more and more. It takes practice and it takes planning in this complex age we live in. thanks for reminding us.

  13. I just added 'Living Simply' to my barnes and noble wish list-looks good! My all time fave book is 'Plain & simple' by sue Bender-a story of how she goes to live with an amish family and learns to live 'in the moment' and not rush through life. Good stuff.
    btw, where are the monkeys??

  14. Yes--I couldn't agree more!!! A focused life is perfectly put!!!

    Wonderful Show and Tell!


    P.S. Your Pooh collection is adorable :)

  15. I love the new stuffed animal header. So cheery!

    And the book looks terrific. As you probably know, I'm a simple liver myself (well, not liver as in the meat nobody likes to eat but as in "one who lives" :)

    The quote was just right.

  16. This is something I need to do! I am in the process of decluttering and it is an overwhelming task! I do feel like I spend a lot of time with my family and friends and our busy schedule is mostly because of our kids and their activities. I have learned not to volunteer for so much! Great post!

    :0) sharon

  17. That sounds like a really great book, I'd like to read.

    Italian square is a piazza :)

    Love your cute Pooh Bears.

  18. Hi,
    Yes I do have a pattern for my pincushion.
    I should have put the measurements on it.
    They are, 16 inches from end to end, and measuring the bottom of the pincushion it is 2-in.X 3-1/2in. approximate.
    If you are interested in one I can try to find some kitty material.
    My e-mail address is:

  19. Hmmmm what a lovely thought, a simple life. Maybe after the last kiddo graduates from college. Let's see, he will be 7 tomorrow, so that's, um....15 years? I shouldn't have figured that out. Oh my achin' head. SANCTUARY! Jennifer

    Thank you for the answer to God wink....hope to use it tomorrow or the next day, maybe?

  20. The word is piazza. Wish we had more of those in the US!

  21. That's a long way to read for me... If I'm the one that is reading that book I'll fall asleep. Beautiful pictures thanks for sharing...

    Thanks for the nice comments on the blog too.

  22. Sounds like a great book. I've been wanting to simply things here. I think I'll check it out. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Simplify is something I need to do in a major way! good post. thanks for visiting my blog!

  24. Hi Kim,

    Before I forget, I wanted to tell you that all three of the lamps that I showed today are oil lamps converted into electric lamps. So, yes I do use these lamps often, especially the first lamp I showed as I have it sitting on the end of my dresser in my bedroom. It gives off a nice, soft glow.

    I loved your show and tell for today. Remember the good ole days when people didn't have television and they had time to enjoy their families and their friends. I remember people coming to our house to play cards and us going to visit other people and staying for hours. Those days seem to be long gone, and it's sad.

  25. As you know I'm not into "simply!" Contrary to what some may think, those of us who enjoy collecting can be organized and can feel peacefulness among our things! There's knack to tasteful organizing and displaying.

    I think there's a remarkable difference in those of us who are romantic and nostalgic and don't want to live in a room without our memories of what our loveables bring. Most of my things were gifts from loved ones - family and friends and I enjoy the reminders of them.


  26. Enjoyed your post. I'm a lot like you-I LOVE being at home!!!
    We downsized this past year and in certain ways it has been soooo nice. I don't spend much time cleaning. I miss a lot of my treasures but slowly getting them out. I think that I will just have to recycle so that I can enjoy them every so often. I love the Pooh and friends collection. My favorite is Tiger!!

  27. Simple or not the most important thing is that you feel happy ! And to the Italians you can also add the South of France, Spain,Portugal etc, in short all southern European countries, they know how to live happy !
    BTW my lemon pig was a real lemon !

  28. Hi Kim,

    I'm back to answer your question about who made the oil lamps into electric lamps for me. I really don't know who converted either of these lamps into electric ones because they were already electric when I got them.

  29. You asked about the doily I shared today and I want to let you know that my friend did make the beautiful doily. She is very talented.

  30. Thank you for the added comment you left on my blog about the book!


  31. I'm going to have to find that book. I am really drawn to the idea of living more simply.

    Thanks for sharing!

  32. So true. I think I am living a fairly simple life, but I still have far too many things. Thanks for sharing.

  33. I have always dreamed of living simple! I guess that is why I am so intrigued by the Amish. I do feel like so much of my time is wasted when I could be doing other enjoyable things.
    Thanks for the link from the Joyce show. I have had a CT scan of my liver and my enzymes checked but I do believe in detoxing your body. I keep saying that I should go on a 7 day detox and maybe I could work out some of the issues. However, I think I would have to take those days off from work. I am feeling much better with the wheat and egg free diet and went to Whole Foods last night and was so happy to see the large selection that they have. Great store!

  34. Nannykim,
    I see you have 'Funeral stuff' posted on your site. I'm curious about that. Just wondering why you have that posted, and how you decided on your song and scripture choices. Feel free to email a response if you like. I ask because I was challenged my my bff to consider writing my own obituary, as a challenge to live up to it. So your funeral stuff just intrigues me. Thats all.
    God bless~

  35. Hi Kim,

    Just wanted to let you know I finally played your tag game! Come on over and see my answers!

    :0) Sharon

  36. Your posts are very thoughtful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing your gift with the blogging world.

    Your rooms look warm and inviting.

  37. Simplicity...Is a must with me!
    I love your pooh buddies!nthe book sounds great.
    thanks for sharing.

  38. I've read a lot of simple living books and some how I missed this one. I'll have to see if the library has it - thanks!

