Sunday, February 17, 2008

30 days; day 2--Trapped/blessings

This is the second day for my 30 days of pictures/journal --slices of life theme. I had fogotten to post this picture and comment yesterday---it was a strange happening. As you notice in the above picture we have old doors and knobs in our home. Since our daughter and family were visiting us we had shut our bedroom door. When we got up in the morning we were unable to open it!! We yelled and our son-in-law tried to open it from his side----no go. We were locked in our own bedroom!! HA! My husband had a jack-knife and was able to pry it open. He later took the unit apart and it was unlike anything we had seen before--there was a box about 1/2 inch in thickness and 4 by 4 inches square. He managed to improvise a part from Lowes. If this had happened to me when I was home alone I would have had to crawl out the window and call the fire depot to get me off of the roof!

Today we went to our church--pictured above. I am so glad we have a day of rest to spend resting, worshipping, and listening to God. I have been so thankful for our church because It not only has the liturgy--the form of worship; but it has the power of worship. I can not tell you what this has meant to me. I am thankful for being able to pray, sing, celebrate communion and seek his face. Love the way our communion starts:

"All glory be to thee, Almighty God, our heavenly Father, for that thou, of thy tender mercy, didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; who made there by his one oblation of himself once offered, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory of that his precious death and sacrifice, until his coming again."

Sundays are full of coffee and talks; thankful to have times to talk with my kids by phone and webcam

And to sit out on the rockers with my hubby and talk about the hymns, the word, our kids, our dreams, etc.

Blessed be God for His good gifts. Blessed be Him for giving us hearts that sing in the fullness of His presence. Blessed be God for his outworking of faith in our children. Blessed be Godfor equipping so many to preach His Word for the edification of the saints the world over. Blessed be God for the beauty of his redemption and the wonder of all that the future holds in eternity to come.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday ((hugs)) Rosie

  2. Nice post. I love the tradition of church and Sundays.

  3. Love your glimpse into slices of your life. There is little that comes close to the satisfaction of being in God's presence. He just fills you up. The world has nothing that can compare.

    I had to chuckle about being locked in your 'own' bedroom. Reminds me of the time for being locked 'out' of my bedroom. My purse and keys were inside while I, who was outside in the hall, had to get my son to a job interview. I took the hammer to that lock and pounded the bejeebers out it until the whole metal knob came loose. My husband just shook his head and replaced it without saying much. He was just thankful I didn't put a hole through the door. Bless God I had good aim. Your knobs remind me of the ones in my grandmother's old house.

  4. Glad you escaped from your bedroom!!

    I love your thoughts it sounds like a very restful Sunday.

    Sarah x
