Monday, February 25, 2008

30 days/ day 10/ slices of life/ conference

Ok--so I have comfy clothes on--I'm going to crochet as I listen to the stuff below!

Since I am out with a bad back I hope to listen to some of this conference that is being streamlined online You can find it at (it may not be up except for when they are streaming--look at the schedule below)

The pre-conference is on stress----(It is on Pacific time-)----the pre-conference is by a scientest who is a Christian .I do not think this preconference stuff is related to the rest of the conference---just something for those who have arrived early---it is not a preaching thing. Well--I am on a break and now I see how it relates. It is about using stress or seeing stress from God's point of view so that it can be used for our good and not for our harm. --so this relates to pastors as well as all of us. He spoke about the physiological aspects of stress and how we can let stress be used for our good--how to look at it from the Biblical lens --he also says that we as Christians may get 2 times the amount of stress as non-Christians because God wants to produce endurance or maturity in us---God does not want to leave us where we were when we got saved.
The regular conference is by the preachers listed below and on the subjects listed below. Should be interesting. The pre-conference stuff is on right now as I am posting this--so I am listening. (the pre-conference stuff is on stress-- whereas the rest of the conference is on a different subject--which is listed below (don't know if I will agree with all they have to say--but should be thought provoking):

National Resurgence Conference:Text & Context
February 25-27, 2008
Resurgence and Acts 29 are excited to host a premiere conference on preaching. Featured speakers include pastor/author John Piper, pastor/author Mark Driscoll, pastor Matt Chandler and author/consultant Jim Gilmore. This conference will take a hard look at the text and context both in the word of God and in the world today. The desire to be faithful to the scriptures and how the gospel is proclaimed in a lost and broken culture is paramount now, more than ever.

When available, click play to start the Video Stream. Depending on your connection in may take up to 60 seconds to begin.Video streaming in Windows Media Player. Mac OS X users will need Flip4Mac. After watching the video feed you can provide technical feedback to our Live Video Feedback Form

Streaming Schedule: All times PST

Monday, February 25, 2008
2:00 pm Session 1 – Mark Driscoll – Text & Context: Humble Incarnational Ministry
4:00 pm Session 2 – CJ Mahaney – Text & Context: Pastoral Character & Loving People
7:00 pm Session 3 – John Piper - Text: Why I Trust the Scriptures

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
9:00 am Session 4 – Jim Gilmore – Context: Fear and Trembling in the Experience Economy
10:45 am Session 5 – Matt Chandler - Text & Context: Preaching the Gospel in the Center of the Evangelical World
1:00 pm Session 6 – John Piper - Text & Context: How My Pastoral Ministry Shapes my Pulpit Ministry
2:45 pm Session 7 Mark Driscoll - The Ox: Qualifications of a Church Planter (Acts 29 Session)4:15 pm Session 8 Matt Chandler - Vision of a Church Planter (Acts 29 Session)
7:00 pm Session 9 – John Piper - Text: How Do I Distinguish Between Gospel and False Gospel?9:00 pm Q & A with John Piper

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
10:00 am Session 10 – Jim Gilmore – Context: Decoding the Future, the Phoniness, and the Shifting Sands11:20 am Q& A with Jim Gilmore1:00 pm Session 11 – Mark Driscoll – Text & Context: Preaching Jesus Christ To Pagan Culture2:15 pm Q & A with Mark Driscoll


  1. I'm glad you're compfy and have something good to listen to and to learn from! Get well soon.

    Hugs, Sharon

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by my page and praying for Erin! I recieved a comment about the little girl and the lady said that her parents were in her sisters sunday school class. She gave me a web site that you can go to and it updated every day. Erin does seem to be doing better, but she still has a long way to go, so we still need to keep her in our prayers! Here is the website and I will also post it on my blog! Bless you!

  3. Good perspective on stress! Praying your back is continuing to improve!

  4. I was concerned about you. I miss the comments you make on other blogs (especially mine). Sounds like this is a wonderful conference. I love the comfy pink sweater in the picture.
