It is show and tell at Kelli's I am showing some splashes of red in my kitchen. I love this coffee pot/ I love red and I love coffee and it is such a cheerful thing to go to throughout the day!!! I like strong coffee so I grind mine espresso! But I mix it half with a decaf Seattle roast---wonderful.
this is my old enameled table. It has the glasses on it because my back has been out and I haven't returned them to their cupboard. I love this table because it has two leafs that can be pulled out to make it twice as big. The slot you see was for a drawer , I think, but I use it to store a fat cook book and a big glass cooking pan. I have a cabinet built under this table where I store crockpots. I love the table because you can put hot things right on it!! Great for rolling pie crusts etc!!
Ps. My back is doing sooooo much better now that I have been on muscle relaxers and motrin!
I like Piper and I like his book on Desiring God. I happened upon this article on the Desiring God website about the relation between God and suffering --or some might call it the problem of pain. I thought this article had some good insights:
That is my theology of sickness in a nutshell. First, in this age all creation, including our bodies, has been subjected to futility and enslaved to corruption. Second, there is a new age coming when all those who endure to the end in faith will be set free from all pain and sickness. Third, Jesus Christ came and died to purchase our redemption, demonstrate its character as both spiritual and physical, and give us a foretaste of it now. Fourth, God controls who gets sick and who gets well, and all his decisions are for the good of his children even if they are painful. Fifth, we should pray for God's help both to heal and to strengthen faith while we are unhealed, and should depend on the Holy Spirit's intercession when we don't know which to pray for. Finally, we should always trust in the power and love of God, even in the darkest hour of suffering. "
To get a better understanding of what he has said go to the above link. He explains the balance of His not always healing especially in regards to Rom. 8:18-28
Speaking of Pain my back slowly slowly continues to improve. But!! I almost re-injured it when my bag of chocolate chips broke and a bunch of them cascaded to the floor--it was a surprise and I always have a jerking reaction to surprises!! This chocolate was my comfort food, Alas, Alas it is all gone!
Well blogger has a scheduled out time in 15 minutes--so trying to beat them!! I am doing slightly better --the Motrin and the muscle relaxer stuff is working! I had some great home made chicken soup (recipe on my other blog).
Got to listen to some more of the conference in Seattle online too. And we had our Bible study here tonight on Philippians. (I just sat with my heating pad). So things are looking a bit up!!
Well I am going to write this and then add the picture--I will regret this because it usually messes the post totally up!! Little did I realize that the 30 day thing would be me on my back!! I finally went to the Dr. to be sure I was doing what I was supposed to do . So I have been spaced out on muscle relaxers---hope it will aid in the recovery process. I had to sleep at a really weird angle last night with my knees up and slanted and the rest of the body on my side---the only way I couldn't feel like I was in someones vise grip!!
The Dr. office is only 2 blocks away and I could have walked (I am afraid of driving because of weird spasms). But my hubby came home and took me.
But I have confidence that God has His purposes; so I will rest in this fact and try to use my time wisely---which is a bit of a difficult thing --I know I can spend more time in prayer and write some letters. When you have a gnawing pain it makes it hard to do certain activities---(like think ;-) . So now I will have to think more about this!! Ha!
Ok--so I have comfy clothes on--I'm going to crochet as I listen to the stuff below!
Since I am out with a bad back I hope to listen to some of this conference that is being streamlined online You can find it at (it may not be up except for when they are streaming--look at the schedule below)
The pre-conference is on stress----(It is on Pacific time-)----the pre-conference is by a scientest who is a Christian .I do not think this preconference stuff is related to the rest of the conference---just something for those who have arrived early---it is not a preaching thing. Well--I am on a break and now I see how it relates. It is about using stress or seeing stress from God's point of view so that it can be used for our good and not for our harm. --so this relates to pastors as well as all of us. He spoke about the physiological aspects of stress and how we can let stress be used for our good--how to look at it from the Biblical lens --he also says that we as Christians may get 2 times the amount of stress as non-Christians because God wants to produce endurance or maturity in us---God does not want to leave us where we were when we got saved.
The regular conference is by the preachers listed below and on the subjects listed below. Should be interesting. The pre-conference stuff is on right now as I am posting this--so I am listening. (the pre-conference stuff is on stress-- whereas the rest of the conference is on a different subject--which is listed below (don't know if I will agree with all they have to say--but should be thought provoking):
National Resurgence Conference:Text & Context February 25-27, 2008 Resurgence and Acts 29 are excited to host a premiere conference on preaching. Featured speakers include pastor/author John Piper, pastor/author Mark Driscoll, pastor Matt Chandler and author/consultant Jim Gilmore. This conference will take a hard look at the text and context both in the word of God and in the world today. The desire to be faithful to the scriptures and how the gospel is proclaimed in a lost and broken culture is paramount now, more than ever.
When available, click play to start the Video Stream. Depending on your connection in may take up to 60 seconds to begin.Video streaming in Windows Media Player. Mac OS X users will need Flip4Mac. After watching the video feed you can provide technical feedback to our Live Video Feedback Form
Streaming Schedule: All times PST
Monday, February 25, 2008
2:00 pm Session 1 – Mark Driscoll – Text & Context: Humble Incarnational Ministry
4:00 pm Session 2 – CJ Mahaney – Text & Context: Pastoral Character & Loving People
7:00 pm Session 3 – John Piper - Text: Why I Trust the Scriptures
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
9:00 am Session 4 – Jim Gilmore – Context: Fear and Trembling in the Experience Economy
10:45 am Session 5 – Matt Chandler - Text & Context: Preaching the Gospel in the Center of the Evangelical World 1:00 pm Session 6 – John Piper - Text & Context: How My Pastoral Ministry Shapes my Pulpit Ministry 2:45 pm Session 7 Mark Driscoll - The Ox: Qualifications of a Church Planter (Acts 29 Session)4:15 pm Session 8 Matt Chandler - Vision of a Church Planter (Acts 29 Session) 7:00 pm Session 9 – John Piper - Text: How Do I Distinguish Between Gospel and False Gospel?9:00 pm Q & A with John Piper
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 10:00 am Session 10 – Jim Gilmore – Context: Decoding the Future, the Phoniness, and the Shifting Sands11:20 am Q& A with Jim Gilmore1:00 pm Session 11 – Mark Driscoll – Text & Context: Preaching Jesus Christ To Pagan Culture2:15 pm Q & A with Mark Driscoll
Well, my hubby and I both missed church---first time in ages! Me with my back and He with his virus. He is doing much better tonight and plans to go to work on Monday. My spasms have become less, but the pelvis is very unstable. But I am thankful for online sermons--enjoyed a great intro to Philippians.....and the joy of seeing the gospel spread. I am so thankful for great books, Christian friends, the power of the word of God and the fellowship with others it brings.
Thankful for time to think and contemplate on his Word and what His Word means---it is always easy to read the words, but much harder to understand the meaning behind the words. God's Words are sometimes very deep; but I am thankful that He only requires a childlike faith In His Son's work ; a resting in all we have in Christ. ....thankful for the great love that sent Christ to claim us for His own.
Hopefully, I will get to visit some bloggers tomorrow (and a few tonight ;-) )
Well my server was down from Thursday morning until Friday morning; which is just as well since my back was and is out. Today will be spent lying on my couch mending. My hubby helped do a popping thing the physical therapist told me to do when this happens and that plus the rest has been helping. But my hubby got back from a Houston trip and now he is running a fever (and he is at work) . So we might both be out of it for a bit. I may not visit too many of you---but I am keeping you in my prayers---have a blessed weekend---and perhaps I'll do some visiting later today?
Well, my day started off quite fine--enjoying the moments. Barbara had given me a further quote on this yesterday's post ( ) from Jim Eliot--"Wherever you are, be all there". So I was really into doing this. I first had to spray the pee off of my window from the neighbor's cat--who for some reason had been peeing on the upstairs and downstairs windows and doors!! The reason may be my Boots below (boots as in my cat)
Had a relaxing time having devotions with all of my clutter.
Went to church where we are working way ahead for a future Fall festival. We had donations of yarn and have been considering making "prayer shawls" which you give to someone to let them know you are praying for them and it is like a warm hug or embrace.
Went home and my Kefir was doing well---it cultures on top of the frig---it is like yogurt, but is better for you!! You make smoothies out of it. The curdy stuff on the top is what you strain off to make the next batch.
Here is another view.
Then I cleaned house for the Bible study group that meets here, when suddenly OH NO! I went to lift a glass table top and suddenly my back gave out. Must have twisted the wrong way and I went to the floor!! Thankfully I had only lifted it 1/4 of an inch or it would have crashed to the floor in a million pieces. I am posting this early because I don't know how I will be later. If I don't post tomorrow you will know it is too bad. So I will show my Bible study people on another Wednesday. They are due in about 20 minutes. (Mean while my husband should be on a flight from Houston to home). Plus my granddaughter got hand, mouth and foot disease from the nursery at church---yup it is a real thing---she got a realitively mild case.
In "Living Simply" by Joanne Heim , she writes: "I want to live in the moment, to notice whatever God has for me at this very point in time, to discover and appreciate the joy in the task at hand. I want to open my eyes 'wide in wonder and belief' (Matthew 6:22, The Message), to take childlike pleasure in the moment. I want to follow Jesus' instructions in Matthew 6:34: 'Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow' (the Message)"
I like this idea--I read that this morning, and finished her book. I thought how wonderful it is to concentrate on enjoying each moment. As I looked out the window the first rays of Sunlight were scattering across the yard. I love those moments---of golden rays --just streaking and lighting here and there!
There is something so special about the rays of the morning sun!! So beautiful--kind of like how God lights up the world. So I concentrated on enjoying each task. Dishes, wash, exercise, cooking, eating, studying, writing, praying, listening and visiting. A great day.
Spent some time with the Greatgrandma too. Upon coming home I received this happy gift of pooh in the mail.
As Heim quotes in her book: "....each day can be lived unto itself, not lived for the yesterday that is gone or for the tomorrow that may not come, but lived for this present moment in the presence of God." I say AMEN.
I woke up to beautiful rain today; so homey, cosy and refreshing. Boots felt that it was an excuse to snuggle (anything is an excuse for him).
The wind chimes were very happy and singing.
And on a gray day Hello Kitty makes me so happy--she looks like my granddaughter (see sidebar). The Kitties with the red ribbons are for holding my glasses around my neck--so much fun ya have to chuckle!
I used this bag below---today, it is great for rainy days--it is weatherproof!
Had to do some shopping--was again glad for the rain; it held the president day shoppers at bay.
Went to my accountability group---this is two of my friends, a third came later and the fourth is so sick--she has a form of MS that is very bad! These ladies are real blessings--for sharing and encouraging and holding accountable in the faith.
Realtives were visiting my MIL so I had the afternoon off--got caught up on straightening the laundry/porch area; writing letters; and doing some wash and exercise.
Tonight we went to a fantastic organ and violin concert at our church. Thomas Strauss was the organist/pianist. He did wonders with the organ.
Irina Mueller was the violinist--only 28!! She played on a violin by John Betts (London) from the year 1794. Both of these musicians were from Germany---what an awesome combo---just gorious music....Praise the Lord for the beauty in this day!
This is the second day for my 30 days of pictures/journal --slices of life theme. I had fogotten to post this picture and comment yesterday---it was a strange happening. As you notice in the above picture we have old doors and knobs in our home. Since our daughter and family were visiting us we had shut our bedroom door. When we got up in the morning we were unable to open it!! We yelled and our son-in-law tried to open it from his side----no go. We were locked in our own bedroom!! HA! My husband had a jack-knife and was able to pry it open. He later took the unit apart and it was unlike anything we had seen before--there was a box about 1/2 inch in thickness and 4 by 4 inches square. He managed to improvise a part from Lowes. If this had happened to me when I was home alone I would have had to crawl out the window and call the fire depot to get me off of the roof!
Today we went to our church--pictured above. I am so glad we have a day of rest to spend resting, worshipping, and listening to God. I have been so thankful for our church because It not only has the liturgy--the form of worship; but it has the power of worship. I can not tell you what this has meant to me. I am thankful for being able to pray, sing, celebrate communion and seek his face. Love the way our communion starts:
"All glory be to thee, Almighty God, our heavenly Father, for that thou, of thy tender mercy, didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; who made there by his one oblation of himself once offered, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory of that his precious death and sacrifice, until his coming again."
Sundays are full of coffee and talks; thankful to have times to talk with my kids by phone and webcam
And to sit out on the rockers with my hubby and talk about the hymns, the word, our kids, our dreams, etc.
Blessed be God for His good gifts. Blessed be Him for giving us hearts that sing in the fullness of His presence. Blessed be God for his outworking of faith in our children. Blessed be Godfor equipping so many to preach His Word for the edification of the saints the world over. Blessed be God for the beauty of his redemption and the wonder of all that the future holds in eternity to come.
ok--so I am going to try to do 30 days--a slice of my life photo with a tad journal. Rebekka at has been doing this and I found it fun and interesting. So this is Day one--Sat; Feb 16, 08. My Daughter's family came so we could have a partial family reunion at the beach. But first we had a little fun. Cat steppin~~ First time dish washing
Looking pretty to play at the park~~
Playing with Daddy in the park~~
Waking up from nap~~we didn't know; but she was running a fever---we are hoping it was due to teething!! The flushing may be a bit of sunburn???
Meeting my Husband's brother's new son. This baby on the left is the cousin of my daughter--so a cousin once removed to my granddaughter???
My sister-in-law and baby! Sister-in-law is from Italy!
Great Grandpa to my granddaughter, but Grandpa to this baby!
Getting up close!
Running quickly out to the beach--the wind was ferocious!! Awesome sky!
My granddaughter was not feeling tooo cooool at this point--when we got home she had a temp of 101.8 and they had to take a 3 hour drive home--hope it is just teething! Day is done---nice to see everyone----and tiredness has set in!