Friday, January 11, 2008

Show and tell Friday and politics in SC

It is Show and Tell at Kelli's--go there to participate -- We had the presidential debates last night in Myrtle Beach, SC---so to celebrate I am showing this old pin my Mom had for Ike for president ( for you young ones--that is Eisenhower ). I love this pin and it brings back many memories of my childhood!. I sometimes wear it on election day when I go to the polls, and do ya know--nobody "sees" it or comments on it---I keep waiting for someone to see it and say something or smile!! I'll have to try again this year!!


  1. That's funny that no one comments on it! I think it's cool.

    Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

  2. I would definitely notice it and think it is cool... I had an "I Like Ike" button too... I remember that election because they had voting booths set up at my school so they let us have a mock election and I voted for Eisenhower!
    thanks for the walk down memory lane!!

  3. This is a great pin! When I was little I had one of those little button pins that said "I Like Ike". I wore it proudly...haven't thought of it in years. I'm going to have go in search of it. Happy day to you. Linda

  4. How neat!!!! I had an "I like Ike" pin back in those days. Wish I had kept it!!!!

  5. That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Very different from the campaign pins available now...yours is almost like a brooch isn't it?

    Thanks so much for sharing:-)

  6. nanny...You asked me to respond here to your comment on my vintage sewing glasses. I brought the frames to the optician and they put in the lenses I needed. It was actually quite funny because the folks there were all SO excited to see and work with these frames. Apparently they are from a company that is no longer in business, but made super high quality frames.
    I'm so glad you liked them:-)

  7. That is great! Everyone must be hard of sight or dense. Around here it would be very popular as we have an Eisenhower high school and Ike is popular (even if I did go to the other, better school).

  8. Yep. I remember, too. That was the first election I have any memory of. This is a really pretty one. I never saw anything but the round metal ones with the pin that was kind of "spring-loaded" into the back. Thanks for the memories.

  9. That is a cool button. We have one but it is not as nice as this one! I do remember Eisenhower. fun show and tell...

  10. Truly a treasure! I have a photo of Ike and my father in law during WW-II
    the president was in the sidecar as my father in law drove the motorcycle! I should post one day.
    I noticed that you admired Anta's latest garden additions..come by and see the beauties I am so blessed in having... created by Anita..with an extremely gifted generous heart!
    have a good weekend hugs NG!

  11. That is really nifty. I have never seen one like it. I think it's really surprising that no one comments on it... maybe they are all too focused on the current candidates?

  12. That is so cool! I can't believe that they made such a fancy political button!


  13. nahhhhhhhhh, I think most would think that the "n" fell off of the "ike" lol

  14. Great keepsake. Thanks for sharing. Happy primary!

  15. Hi Kim,

    I like your Show and Tell. Seeing the button of "Ike" brings back memories.

    As to your comment about my handkerchief holder, I'm not sure that is what it is called. One person told me she thinks is is a glove holder, a hand to display a favorite glove or to let a wet glove dry. Oh well, it's so old, we may never know.

  16. That is such a cool pin. It is actually beautiful. I remember those I like Ike buttons.

    Thanks for sharing. Kathi

  17. I really enjoyed seeing this...I don't even think they make pins like this nicely any more...very unique keeper..

  18. That is a sweet pin. I remember a cheapie pin that said "I like Ike".
    Kathy b

  19. That's a neat pin, too bad they don't make things like that now. Would we keep them if they did?? Nice that you kept yours!


    To answer your question - the baby's silhouette was done by computer! I guess the hand cut silhouettes are almost a lost art these days.

  20. What a fun little treasure, Kim! Have a great weekend!
    P.s. Let me know if you get the little bird box!

  21. Ha!I am one that doesn't recognize it...beings I'm in my 30's.
    That is neat though. I'm sure it is a treasure for you to have. Glad it brings back good memories for you.

    Thanks for visiting my site.

  22. Great pin, Kim! Maybe the people at the polling place don't comment on it because they are not allowed to speak of party affiliation?!

    Did you enjoy the debate?

    Have a great weekend!

  23. How neat and special! Maybe no one says anything because they don't want to start a political debate? LOL! ;-)

    As far as the Teepee I made. The Pattern is from Butterwick. It so far seems to be very stable. It is light weight, so if it were to fall, it wouldn't hurt anyone badly.

    Thanks for visiting. :)

  24. O wow, that might of been before my time, but that is still really neat to have !

  25. Ike was president when I was born so I know that is one vintage button you have there. A very nice keepsake.
