Friday, February 10, 2012

My heart is bursting for the beauty of God and of life

God is just so beautiful I praise him for music. I praise him for ancient times and how he moved in men's hearts. I praise him for experiencing Him. I praise him for music and how it touches and moves us into worship.  This poem by St. Augustine spoke to me today---he was an unbeliever for so long and then came to know God. This poem touches on it.  If you play the music below on this post as you read it it will add to your experience!!!

This is a poem by St. Augustine---if you play the music below as you read the words it just adds something special!

Late have I loved you, O Beauty
ever ancient, ever new, late have
I loved You! You were within me,
but I was outside, and it was
there that I searched for You in
my unloveliness . I plunged into
the lovely things which You created
You were with me, but I was not
with You. Created things kept me
from You; yet, if they had not
been in You, they would not have
been at all.  You called, You shouted,
and You broke through my deafness
You flashed, You shone, 
and You dispelled my blindness.
You breathed Your fragrance
on me; I drew in breath and now
I pant for You. I have tasted You,
now I hunger and thirst
for more  You touched me,
and I burned for Your peace.


  1. Beautiful Kim! Seems like we have our mind on the same things. Isn't God good?

  2. Your comment on my furniture post made me smile. I'd love to move my furniture if I had someplace to move it to. Maybe because that room only has two full walls - one which has a window and a half wall. I don't know. But when I get things the way I like them this time I'm sure they'll stay that way for a few more years!

  3. Beautiful post! Have a wonderful weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  4. That is just so beautiful, Kim, both the music and the poem, thank you for this wonderful post.
    God is so beautiful, isn't He, He is so amazing, beyond any words that I can say!!!
    Hugs, Cindy
