Wednesday, March 5, 2008

30 days/ days 18 & 19

This is how I have been approaching each day--enjoy the moment in each moment! But because of it , I forgot to post yesterday!!! Ah well--I get a bit like the absent minded professor! I thought I had posted, but the 2 days had run together.

Greatgrandma is having hip replacement surgery on Thursday morning (tomorrow). And my youngest Son is coming home on Spring break for the weekend at least. So busy, busy.

I don't know if bloggers paragraphs are back to working--that is why I am doing the different colors. I love praying this verse for others:

2 Thessalonians 1:11- To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ."

Last of all erin is showing signs of improving--keep praying--updates at:


  1. Oh, my, LOVE the picture! And the approach to life!

    Happy rest of the week!


  2. What a wonderful approach to a new day...
    we need to be this carefree... and turn everything over to God!!!
    praying for great grandma's surgery to be successful...
    enjoy the weekend with your son...

  3. I hope the surgery goes well and you enjoy that Springbreak.

  4. (photo) I love the beauty that seems to ooze from her.
    What a joy!

    Lifting your greatgrandma in prayer.

  5. Love this picture, it mad me laugh with her!!! Jen

  6. I appreciate the prayer. I need all the prayers I can get.

  7. Oh, what a darling picture! Love those rosy cheeks.

    Greatgrandma? she your mother, or your husband's? I pray all will go well with her surgery.

  8. Oh, what a busy week! I'd had the twins a lot this week - Kristen is beyond tired and I fear for her health if she doesn't get some better rest, so I'm doing whatever I can to help.

    Have a great week-end!
