Tuesday, March 11, 2008

30 days/ day 25

Well I come with really mixed emotions. Erin--the 14 year old we had been praying for died tonight---her story is at:

Great grandma is having a hard time also. She was moved from the hospital to the nursing home for some extended care. It has been tough on her.

My husband performed in an awesome performance with 3 choirs, a symphony orchestra, and an organ---

So the combination of these three events has been very emotional. Life is so rich, so deep , so beautiful. I am so aware of the glory that awaits us.


  1. How bittersweet. Did you know Erin?

  2. Nannykim,
    I just read the stroy about Erin. I will pray for the family. What a sad story. Life is very emotional! Somedays I just take deep breaths and pray.
    You take care I hope your feeling better.

  3. Nannykim, I have squawled over that little girl. Gosh how this hurts. I knew yesterday that they were pulling her off of the machines and found out this morning that she had passed. My heart is broken for the family.


  4. Many prayers for Erin's family and for great-grandma's recovery.

    You've probably posted before about your husband's music, but I've missed it.....he is a musician? A professional one? What instrument?

    God's blessings on your day, nanny kim!

  5. I was so sorry to hear that Erin had gone home to be with the Lord...I continue to pray for her family...
    and your mother in law as she has therapy for her hip ...I pray that she is able to go home soon....
    I am interested in your husband's music...does he play an instrument or direct?
    I'll bet the performance with 3 choirs, a symphony orchestra and an organ was beautiful!! I would have loved to hear it....

  6. I am so sorry. Such a time in life at the age of 14 when you start to become a young lady. She was so pretty. Im sure she is in a happy place.
