Then there were multiple fort building opportunities
And Alden had to watch
He is 5 months and can balance a while on his own!
Knocking down forts is half of the fun.
The walled in room was waiting to have a knock down!!
It is delightful if you love mysteries---it brought back so many memories because this series is what began my love for mysteries. I remember going to my little old stone library in the town of Somers, CT. It had neat bay areas and the mysteries were lined up in one of the bay areas. I took out a Nancy Drew mystery (I believe in 3rd grade) and I got hooked on reading the whole series and from then on I couldn't be separated from books.
So reading this book brought me back to my childhood. It was fun to look at the old sketches in the book and think back to old times and old ways. pulling into a gas station and having an attendant pump the gas. Reading about George (a tomboy) and Bess and Nancy---old friends. I hope my granddaughter will one day get hooked"
Of course the book ends with a temptation to read another book: "Bess grinned. 'Didn't I always say that adventure follows Nancy Drew around?'
"And Bess was right, for another exciting adventure awaited her courageous friend, who very soon was to become involved in The Clue in the Diary." !!