Friday, December 14, 2012

prayers for the bereaved

Heavenly Father, of all the changes we have to face as we journey through life, the hardest of all is the loss through death of someone we love. LORD, you know everything about each one of us and you see and feel our pain, our tears, our loneliness, our regrets and our despair. Comfort us in our sorrow and help us [in time] to move on. Change the, at times, overwhelming grief and sadness to peaceful acceptance and our weakness to strength. Help us to cope and to adjust to a different pattern of life, never for a moment forgetting those who have gone..... Help us to remember that Spring always follows Winter.
Through dying for us on the cross, Jesus has conquered death and opened the gates of glory for all those who believe. May we know, through your grace, the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection and new life. We ask these prayers in the Name of our LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.                  AMEN


  1. Thanks so much for this post. We as a nation should be grieving for these families. I cannot think of anything worse to bring a nation to its knees, those poor little Kindergartners.

    Love in Him,

  2. Joining you in your prayers. A sad day.

