Friday, March 23, 2007

Only Me

This probably can only happen to weirdo me! Yesterday I was enjoying the beautiful Spring morning....This is Conway's splender time when springtime just bursts for joy. The azaleas, bradfords, dogwoods, daffodils, tulips and soon the wisteria are all shouting and proclaiming Glory! I was revelling in all of this and happened to watch a squirrel trying to climb my front birdfeeder poll. The pole is shaped like a thin shepherd crook with an added flip. The squirrel jumped too low and tried to shimmy up and then slid all the way to the ground--it was hilarious. Then he jumped higher on the pole and quickly turned and jumped on the feeder. I smiled and thanked God for seeing such a funny sight and was impressed with how quickly the squirrel learned. A few minutes later I looked back out the window and what did I see??? A squirrel at the feeder, but another one writhing in the road. ... So life and death displayed in one scene. I thought, how ironic to see all of the beauty of life and the sadness of death in one glimpse. Yet this is how life actually is; everyday ....but the encouraging thing is there shall be a new heaven and a new earth when everything has been transformed. Amen

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