For my birthday I went to Georgetown , Sc. I love this old town. It has many interesting homes and shops. I have not finished my birthday celebration (I will share more of that at a later date)
The home pictured above did not pass the historic regulations as far as color choices, I do believe. But they painted before the regulations had passed and I do love it!
Below is another home---there are all kinds of interesting homes, but I won't bore you !
This tree is supposed to be the oldest tree East of the Mississippi! It is 750 years old and is supposed to be older than the Angel Oak tree near Charleston. It was hard to get a picture since I was in a vehicle and because it sits between 2 homes!
Notice the stairs on this home--cool.
This is the inside of an old AME church. The first church on this site was built right after the civil war. Besides the spiritual purposes for the church , it was also used to teach reading. Some of those who learned to read got jobs up North and sent money back and they built this present church. This is where Mrs. Obama's relatives originally came from--her grandparents moved back here to retire and went to this church. Mrs. Obama and her brother spent time with their grandparents and would go to this church. We were going to go see the Lighthouse, but the rain moved in and we decided to hit the road. The above is just a close up on some flowers I received--they were so springlike. All in all the day was so much fun--we had history, good food, interesting sites, people and a cozy thunderstorm.
I am disappointed in changes in photobucket. You no longer can make collages. I found out there is a way you can do it--but it would probably take a week to learn the method--it is not user friendly. Ah well--guess I will just have to post big pictures!
--My Birthday is this week and I turn the Big 60--NO THIS LADY in the PICTURE is not nannykim, but I love her attitude toward life. She lives it with delight. Photo is from
I want to continue to live life fully, but am I actually doing that now? I need to think about it.
One of the most important aspects of living for me is getting to know God better. Life is about on-going relationships and my relationship with God is always on-going too. As I was reflecting on this the past few days, I realized how little we know of Him. I have the Bible which reveals many important things--but really when you think about it , it is just 1500 pages or so (depending on the Bible you use). I have creation too---as I ponder on creation and how much we don't understand and know in this gigantic universe I realize how much more so this applies to knowing the God who created it all. Jesus came to show us God. BUT--what I even know of Him is limited to the Bible's revelation, and my experience and the experience and testimony of others.
When I quiet my thoughts and think about Who is God and Who am I........When I think about what is Truth and How do we know it. ......well, it can be difficult. Yes , I have the Bible and yes, I feel God has given this to mankind as a revelation. But as we know, there is a lot of disagreement on how to understand the teachings. Some of it is very clear and I am thankful for that--but there are so many interpretations !!!
I see a constant need to go to God and to ask of Him about everything. I am often surprised at how He answers even when I don't actually pray for something ---I may just be thinking about it and boom He gives an answer. But at the same time I am in the position that I simply have to just trust Him ---my knowing Him is up to Him as I seek His face.
Wonderful days with Grands! After Easter I got to spend a few days with my 3 grand children---I always feel like I am in fantasy world with them!! We are always living in stories and pretending big time. I LOVE IT!!!!