Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thoughts and change


This was taken when we were in Savannah last week. It is a picture of the inside ceiling of the cathedral. This week caused a lot of thinking in my life. Sometimes God opens our eyes to things that need work in our lives and that is what he has been doing these past 2 weeks.

He showed me some areas about myself that I had not realized were there.....areas that needed change. This is not pleasant while it is happening. NOPE! This time also showed me the importance of really trying to be aware of the truth in my life and being honest and open, especially to my husband. I thought I was doing these things...but I have seen that in some respects I was not.

When this time came it produced a crushing sensation within me---I kept just crying in God's presence. Then came confession to Him, and then it truly felt like a fire was burning within me---a cleansing and loving fire.
I am living each day, asking Him to continue working.  Some things are just deeply within us and we don't see them until God uses someone or something to show us. It does feel that sin kills a part of us and when we deal with it we become more alive.

I am thankful for truth , but it can be a difficult thing to see. It is difficult to see sin in ourselves that has been there, lying there unseen or unrealized by ourselves.


  1. Cathedrals are so beautiful! Loved seeing your pics from your trip! Truth can be hard when we see it in ourselves, but it can also be freeing.

  2. Beautiful Cathedral pic !Sounds like the Lord is really moving in your life. My prayer for you & for myself, too ,Is that He has his way and we always answer him with a Yes, Lord!
