Monday, October 20, 2008


I love the way the lace curtains make a pretty shadow on the wall---things like this warm my heart!

I have been reading a book called, "When Sinners Say 'I Do' by Dave Harvey. It is such a helpful book. Yesterday , in particular , some of the words spoke right to my heart.
He spoke about how the heat of circumstances often cause things to spill out. He gave an example of his lawn mower and how the oil cap was not on tightly and when the engine heated up the oil flew out. He says, "The heat (the circumstances) did not fill the engine with oil, it simply revealed what was in the engine."
We think that something our spouse does or says causes us to get angry or whatever. He says: "No, it's simply showing you the impatience that was already in the engine of your heart. The heat just stirred it up and made it obvious"
"Have you ever considered why there are no accounts of Jesus slamming a door in angry frustration or inflicting the 'silent treatment' on someone who hurt him? Why didn't Jesus get irritated or bitter or hostile? The simple but astounding answer is that when his engine was heated by circumstances , what was in his heart came out: love, mercy, compassion, kindness. Christ didn't respond sinfully to the circumstances in his life--even an undeserved, humiliating, torturous death---because the engine of his heart was pure. What was in his heart spilled over. It was love!"
"Your spouse was a strategic choice made by a wise and loving God. Selected by him, for you from the beginning of the world, your spouse is an essential part of God's rescue mission for your life. Often a spouse plays his or her part by raising the engine temperature and heating the oil. But if we're wisely honest we will realize that God is behind it all, revealing the familiar sin so that is might be overcome by amazing grace."
I love those thoughts. He says we are always to look at our own hearts and deal with what is in them---the cause of our conflicts are as James says---"But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death." We tend to blame our spouse for making us angry, or impatient, etc---but it comes from our own desires. Jesus was perfect--he had all kinds of people and situations, but he always responded out of good desires.
Something for me to think on
The paragraph stuff is not working this morning--when that happens I resort to colors!!


  1. Wow, this really hit home for me today. I've been wrestling with impatience, the opposite of the longsuffering that is part of the fruit of the Spirit.

    BTW, love that picture in your header!

  2. It does hit home. Being a single mom (of 3)for over 20+yrs patience is very important and tested over and over. Thank you for sharing. Love and Prayers. Suzanne

  3. Very apropos thoughts. Many people are doing the Love Dare after seeing the new movie, "Fireproof." It is a good exercise in improving your marriage. I think I'm going to get the book and give it a go.

    We were in Columbia last week just overnight, then up to Myrtle Beach. Then up to NC. We had a great time - never been in either state before, so it was a real treat. Perfect time of year!

  4. The book was a result of the movie, "Fireproof," which was created by a large church in Georgia and stars Kirk Cameron - very good movie with a powerful message. The Love Dare Book -

    Author of Love Dare is Stephen and Alex Kendrick, B&H Publishing Group.

  5. Me again - I forgot to say that it is really scary that you were able to get into my restricted blog without a password (which, by the way is your blogger password) - the reason I had to go private is that my ex son-in-law (as of today,by the way was stalking my blog and took all of my pictures of the girls from my Flickr account and put them on his very perverted MySpace page. We did this (Kristen and I both) so that he would have no access to what is going on in his kids' lives. It is a sad thing.

    So - I can't figure out how you could get in without registering, because I can't even do that. Scary.

  6. Thanks for the email. I live near the NC/SC border, north of Spartanburg. The Clemson orange looks very familiar. Your grands are precious.

    It takes a lot of work to have a happy marriage. After 33 years, we are still in love but it does take work.

    Your bio looks like you love to read. I wish I had more time for reading because I enjoy it.

    Stop by daily blessings anytime.

  7. I have noticed how often Jesus retreated to be example I really appreciate!
    Good thoughts today:)

  8. This is such a great post! Thanks Kim!

    I am back! Thank you for your sweet comments about my son's wedding! We had such a great time!

    Hugs, Sharon

  9. I'm going to have to read this book! Thanks for sharing it.

  10. love that picture and the thoughts-sweet:)
