Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wondering about Christmas ideas and free trees


This is a pic of my tree last year. But this year I hope to do it in red and white. (my hubby is at a local football game with his Dad and my son. I am watching a Clemson game on tv and doing some blogging--it is a gray windy day so I am glad I chose to remain here!!).

Anyways I would like to have a tree in both of my living rooms. But I only have one fake tree. I wish I had snuck (is that a word? ) another fake tree in my closet this year....but my hubby doesn't want all the clutter. I wish there was a free way to have a second tree--I keep thinking , thinking. When we lived up North I could go to the woods and find and cut one for free (in VT). But here there are just not Christmas trees in the wild. I live near the coast and swamps. I have thought of getting bare branches and painting them white and doing a weird thingy. Does anyone have any free ideas for making a tree. (now not many read this blog here of mine so I am not expecting a response!! Perhaps I will have to go ask at other blogs!!)


  1. check craigslist , a lot of people upgrade to a newer tree every year , and just junk their old tree , you can also call the dump and ask if they have any , on occasion they will.

  2. When we get desperate we go in the woods and cut down a cedar tree. Those things are so darn prickly, though. I hope you find something!

  3. Hi! I saw a tree made out of thin tree limbs painted white and then balls just hung with a ribbon from it. You can just let it stand from a tall vase. You tree last year was pretty, can't wait to see this year's...Christine

  4. I checked craigslist--will keep checking.

    A cedar tree---might be possible...if I wonder far a field!

    considering sticks too ;-)
