Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No regrets

Thinking today about living in a way each day that makes you not regret what you have done. For example if my Mother-in-law were to die sooner rather than later, I would want to have been sure that I have spent the kind of time with her that was important to me , to her and ultimately to God.

She has had pneumonia this week, and I am so thankful it appears that the meds are helping her get better. There is something soothing about feeding an elderly person (hey, I am elderly too

;-) ). We used to spend time watching the cooking network together so I put that on while I am feeding her and it does feel a bit like old times. I am not sure if she always knows who I am , but I can see love in her eyes.

I am so glad I have had time the last few years to not be out at work. Time to spend with my grand children and the great-grandparents. These are gifts.


  1. I love that sweet little face on your header. Makes me smile (o: So good of you to spend time helping your MIL and just spending time with her.

  2. Thanks for reminding me of what matters in life!

  3. You are so smart to feel the way you do! I wish I would have appreciated my mom more while she was still here. I was always to busy to pay attention to the little things that would have made her happier.

  4. I spend so much time with the grandgirls that I don't spend enough with my folks and MIL. Thanks for the reminder.

    Love the new header picture!
